A 501 C3 Nonprofit Association for the Improvement Of Literacy Skills In America —

The Talking Page Literacy Organization, Logo
Phone Icon (844) 339-9079
Teaching the World to Read, Write. Spell, and Speak English

Mission Statement
Knowledge is a human right…it is our responsibility to provide the opportunity to assist the world in learning to read, write, spell, and speak English, thus providing access to vast resources of knowledge in English. English as a means of international communication of knowledge and understanding.

To use the value of good English communication and cultural exchange as essential to individual, community global development with international membership organizations that brings together and empowers people of different languages and cultures.

The English language is the bridge to the river of knowledge in English now needed for the world communities to express, exchange, and develop ideas in the exploration of human capital.

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A Literacy Organization Using Cutting-Edge Research

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Master the English Language
The Talking Page Linguistics Program was associated with statistically significant gains on the linguistics based pretest/posttest measure for the English learners that completed the program.  24.0% was the mean percent correct on the pretest and 52.2% was the mean percent correct on the posttest (p < 0.001).  Therefore, few students at the lower number hours were available for a correlations test.  The same holds for a regression analysis.  Statistical significance might be more readily achieved if more students at the lower number of hours were available.

English Lessons

'Building peace in the minds of men and women, literacy meets peace and gender equality.'
- Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO


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About Us

Explicit instruction is a series of required instructional steps or procedures designed to guarantee that students understand explicitly what is expected of them and what is being taught. The Talking Page Literacy Organization’s approach to this instruction can be represented in the form of a “linguistics tree.�? Phonemes, graphemes, and morphemes are the basic foundation of language and constitute the “roots�? of the tree, which is where the tutoring program starts. A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning, such as the b in bat and the m in mat .

According to studies from the National Institute of Child and Human Development (NICHD), direct instruction in decoding skills emphasizing the alphabetic code results in more favorable outcomes than does a context-emphasis or embedded approach. In his 2000 address to Congress, Dr. Reid Lyon, former Chief of Child Development at NICHD, noted, “The average child needs between four and fourteen exposures to a new letter, letters, or words to automatize the recognition in the brain.�?

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(844) 339-9079

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